This Moment Is It. Poem by Zeh SheZ

This Moment Is It.

This goodnight could be goodbye
For never again will I come by
After searching many years
In the wasting of untold tears,
I meet the gist of all my yearn.

'Call me your inner child;
Or call me your subconscious',
I'm in the state of just being.

So here am I, in this moment
With nothing faked
Hiding none that I am, but whole.
Deliberately aware of everything.
Purposefully reacting to nothing.
Listening to the voice within.

My head I tilt, my ear incline,
to hear better the silence encamping around me.
The Peace.
Aah, Peace.

The voice of silence a powerful pull,
Enfolds me in His splendorous glow.
Warm Love, Word of comfort.

I have arrived home at last.
This place that is mine alone
without their opinions;
the essence of my being.

Now I resent not the past,
Nor fear what lies ahead
I've learnt it's one and the same.
Nothing's new; It matters not.
It just is as it will be,
and always has ever been.

Important is where I am;
what I do with it today...
as each moment passes by.
Does it heal me from my past?
Does it lift my life to heights?
Does it light my path ahead?

I revert to former state,
of living in noiselessness;
with my mind in serenity.
Greatest trust in hope;
and in love.

I'll not strain towards tomorrow,
Nor resent what's left behind.
But fully partake in what is now.

I would that this truth forever presides;
to glory, in it forever emmersed!

What a life, what a joy! Wonder, freedom,
ease of being.
Unchained, living for love;
And loving to live.
By life and the universe amazed day in and day out.
Ecstatic to be part of it!
In awe of the Hand
that brought it all to be.


Living in the moment frees us from anxiety about tomorrow, and erases resentment of what's past. It makes it easier to negotiate forgiveness; because whatever hurts and traumas that happened to us are not present in this moment we now purpose to fully engage life in. Life in the moment is beautiful. Every moment comes untarnished, and sparkling with what it has to offer us. Let's do our best to enjoy it fully (to the extent that it is possible given our presiding circumstances and situations in the moment) .
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