The Sailor Poem by Soran M. H

The Sailor

Rating: 5.0

Between east and west
there is a line
that sailors pass
without return
to the earthly world
never again to suffer
the pain of homelessness
maybe your soul is now
staring at the sunset
from the window of your new home
even though
you couldn't stop time,
time has stopped some where -
in photos for remembrance
and in the world of your poems
always we can see you
O silent song -
you are heard
by one who has sailed
by the dear poet
who meets Neruda there
where death is waiting, dressed like an admiral**
** the last line of Pablo Neruda' poem (Nothing, but death)

The Sailor
Sunday, March 17, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: deaths
Edward Kofi Louis 26 December 2019

Homelessness! ! ! ! ! Nothing at hand. Thanks for sharing this poem with us.

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Soran M. H 26 December 2019

some times unfortunately it would happen... Thank you Edward

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Shaun Cronick 03 January 2020

A poem which states and offers any reader much food for thought, and to reflect on their own humble place in their everyday lives. Love it. Something deep and meaningful to embrace and read many times when soul-searching. A beautifully written poem Soran.10++ and added to my honest philosophy chest.

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Soran M. H 03 January 2020

You are amazing poet and reader too, your interpretations of my poems on the daily basis shows how much you love the poems and you are keen to swim in their deep oceans, Really I don not know how I thank you for your care and interest in the poems, especially the serious ones, you are always the great poet and reader too, Many thanks for your time and care 10/10

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Rose Marie Juan-austin 29 July 2020

A very perceptive and thought provoking poem that puts death to a different perspective. Death sometimes offers a better place to those. who suffer and in deep pain. I concur with the wonderful thought of the brilliant Poet that although no man could stop time, the same could be stopped by the memories we gathered in life as evidenced by photographs.

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Shaun Cronick 16 October 2020

Stand alone poems need to be reread from time to time. For any designated reader to again absorb and take intellectual solace from. And one showing the utmost respect to the late Pablo Neruda's poetry. Thank you once again Soran and it comes to us all in the end, so let's enjoy what we have, while we can. Five more worthy stars and take care my friend.

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Sandra Feldman 21 September 2020

Life is so mysteriously sad, that maybe we fear and cry even before we're born. The depth and truth of this poem is amazing, the symbolism reminds me of the melting watches of Dali. We live but to die. The poets symbolism of sailors, the sea, a poet, Neruda as death, the Admiral, surrounds us completely in a sad loneliness that touches us All. A most extraordinary work that goes beyond poetry. Quite unforgettable!

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Susan Williams 10 September 2020

even though / you couldn't stop time, / time has stopped some where -/in photos for remembrance and in the world of your poems- - - - - - > in those lines are riches for poets who has run out of ideas, a starting point, a metaphor to start one's motor- - -love this poem- - 10++++++ and I' sitting it on my fav shelf for easy access

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Soran M. H 11 August 2020

Dear poet and critic Valsa George; Hello, the death is most mystery part of human's life, most of philosophers struggled to understand it, your amazing comments always enriching the poems, Thank you for sparing your time to read my humble poem, , really your generous commentary encouraging me to write better, kind regards keep writing and stay blessed

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Valsa George 11 August 2020

It is a poem that perceives death as a passport to a world of bliss, crossing the boundary of one world to the other. This is also a positive view of encountering Death not as an assailant but as a majestic admiral waiting to shake hands with us! A great poem!

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