Suicidal But Why Poem by Chan Mongol

Suicidal But Why

September 10,2018

Why the desire to commit suicide?
Why too many in such a way died?
Because, it's not easy to handle "no"!
When even soulmate betray and go! !

When answers are not found why?
When found attached family folk die!
No hope, no desire and find no way!
When there is an astonishing betray! !

Instead of getting caught by the enemy!
Cannot think a way out, cannot see safety!
Too much suffering from physical injury!
When unexpressed pain got no remedy! !

When supports and love are not seen!
When administrations act like hyenas, mean!
Bureaucracy and system treat one as an alien!
All ways are blocked and escapes already ran! !

Who wants more unjustified torture?
At last, the victim wants to be the winner!
Hell with the life around all nasty creatures!
Take lethal poisons, they jump from top floors! !

When no more stability to sustain and go fair!
When no suicide watch or facilitate a sufferer!
When the interest to live is gone forever!
But ahead of time the society doesn't care! !

With lack of kindness who claim to be civic and intelligent!
They once undermined an individual but cared for the government! !
At times, they even cannot remain brave anymore to live on!
Such a phenomenon can be avoided with kindness and pardon! !

Not necessarily, a suicidal is an unwanted and criminal!
We all declare that committing suicide is not advisable!
Talk is cheap and almost all of us are so called counselors!
How many of us are dedicated for others and are righteous?

Monday, September 10, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: issue,suicide
Shakil Ahmed 10 September 2018

Sucide is not the solution of the problem, life always may not come the way you like, Face life and rememberafter darkness sun will rise with its brilliant light, thanks. for sharing a nice poem.

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Shakil Ahmed 10 September 2018

Sucide is not the solution of the problem, life always may not come the way you like, Face life and rememberafter darkness sun will rise with its brilliant light, thanks

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Chan Mongol

Chan Mongol

East Bengal (Bangladesh)
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