President Joe Biden And Vice-President Kamala Harris - Be The Icons Of Grace And Unity Poem by Bernedita Rosinha Pinto

President Joe Biden And Vice-President Kamala Harris - Be The Icons Of Grace And Unity

A new day in America,
a new President and a Vice-President;
be the heroes of compassion
be the icons of grace and unity;
as victory surmounts joy of celebration
triumph vibrates every heartfelt emotion;
just as every conquest has its own veneration
elections brings new leaders and novel prophecies;
and though the scene was so gallant and valorous
as ex-Presidents gathered at the Capitol Hill
to show solidarity and to participate
in the Inauguration Ceremony,
the elected President and the Vice-President
took their Oaths with ardency and dedication
while vigilant soldiers and security guards kept standing;
and like a Premiere of a Hollywood movie
American citizens sat at home and watched it
on their Televisions as their new President
delivered his speech with momentum of patriotism;
and as singers kept singing briefly songs and melodies
so pleasing and heartwarming conveying to the people
that democracy never dissuades the greatness of liberty
the President himself promised to uphold unity
and dignity of all the people of his nation;
and though the pandemic has taken away lives
and livelihood, caused lockdowns and travel bans,
America had still galloped to choose their leaders
so that justice may make its landfall
and their new President and Vice President welcomes
the whole world to a wonderful occasion of pride and honor which their country had waited for;
and as years will pass, many books of history
will record the names of the President and the Vice-President
and in the pages of history American children will long read and recite their names
which will be engraved on the walls of time and memory.
Bravo President Biden, Bravo Vice President Kamala -
now lead your nation and make America feel proud of you,
deliver to people all your golden promises
so that unity and strength holds your nation together;
and though thousands may be the winds of velocity,
the ones you can face and desist will yield you victories;
so be the heroes of compassion
be the icons of grace and unity
steer your nation away from the suffering
and pain of the pandemic and above all consistently
help your people relive the enchantment of democracy.

President Joe Biden And Vice-President Kamala Harris - Be The Icons Of Grace And Unity
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