Nuclear War Virus Poem by Chan Mongol

Nuclear War Virus

Rating: 5.0

Parody of Chan Mongol
March 31 of 2020

I am not a religious man and I don't pray;

But something rational I like to say!

Curse on those who are ferocious;

Curse on those who made the nuclear virus!

They made it and they also spreaded;

They wanted to kill us as I have said!

People in the world are panic and many are dead;

All those scientists are exremely mad!

We curse on those who made virus! ;

Curse on those whose acts are vicious!

Scientists twisted the earth as a hell;

Nuclear scientists are responsible!

No need for PHD, evil education;

No need for top secret military weapon!

We know well that virus got very short lifeline;

How can virus fly to the American quarantine?

Will big people die for the offence?

Can they be also in the virus range?

We already learnt the lesson;

We learnt governmental civilization;

What good are theY if public die?

Why worldwide, panic and outcry?

Virus was created but no antidote for remedy;

Pathetic deaths are occurring already!

Biological weapons were made to kill civil people;

And for that governments are questionable!

I don't want to be famous in my song;

But I record what I find odd and wrong!

Bad governments got the hidden agenda;

Mad media is with restless propaganda!

People will be hungry and will look for food;

Sufferings for the mankind in every hood!

People will be removed from
earth, the hell;

Countries and governments will be dismantle!

Tuesday, March 31, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: government,nuclear,panic,question,virus,war
Richard Wlodarski 31 March 2020

I like your poem, but with all due respect, this is not a parody. Unless, I'm missing something.

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Chan Mongol

Chan Mongol

East Bengal (Bangladesh)
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