Bio And Chemical Weapons Poem by Chan Mongol

Bio And Chemical Weapons

Much propagated biological weapon!
It is virus and made by science as poison!

Poisons were used deliberately to defeat;
Such weaponry often used to deadly hit!

To kill the enemy in anguish is primitive!
Lesser chances with plaque, anthrax to live!

To accelerate pollution, water contamination;
Such can rapidly spread in people by air born!

They call such non-conventional weapon;
But who cares to weaken enemy population?

It's a sad joke to implicate ethics in the war!
War mongers, soldiers in wars, hyenas are!

Who monitors what they during war for victory?
Who showed when humanity for enemy country?

They successfully used virus of Cholera in wars,
Germs of Plague, small pox were used as killers!

Various germs were used to create death fear;
Brutal games done, to make enemies to surrender!

For the record, you got pink eyes during wars,
Mustard gas and chemicals were used by soldiers!

They used masks as you saw but you never did;
You had no place to run and you never hid.

Now you know who used chemical and bio weapon?
Since a long time, enemies did air and water pollution!

Bio and chemical weapons used to terrorize with fear;
In order to win, it is important that enemies surrender!

Bio And Chemical Weapons
Wednesday, January 23, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: poisons,science,war
Chan Mongol

Chan Mongol

East Bengal (Bangladesh)
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