Ban Sharia Law Poem by Chan Mongol

Ban Sharia Law

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If you make troubles to older parents, you are out!
Get out if you are over eighteen without any doubt! !
Don't grab food from their plates, buy your own!
Fairness and respect are taught in the western zone! !

I get surprised when seen those idiots, educated fanatics!
They say that they are religious but unjustified, freaks! !
They are everywhere in own lawless religious society!
Giving poisons to youths to demand paternal property! !

Earn your own money, you lazy, bum and greedy folks!
When you grow big, don't make your hearts hard rocks! !
To become rich hyenas target on old people's last resorts!
I fail to understand That kind of religious laws and efforts! !

A bastard lawman told me months ago that his religion is super!
A father must hand over property to his adult son and daughter! !
What is left there for older people in such Sharia game?
Unethical criminals are lawyers who run judicial system! !

Ban Sharia Law! Ban cruelty and rise for the civilization to run!
You been adding toxic and falsehood in Muhammad's religion! !
Today's wrong Islam was made by Yazid and Umayyad rules!
Give up hypocrisy and learn theology properly in good schools! !

Ban Sharia Law
Rajnish Manga 03 October 2017

It is not easy to take on the religious despots masquerading as the guardians of Islam. We support you. They say that they are religious but unjustified, freaks! ! Unethical criminals are lawyers who run judicial system! ! Ban Sharia Law! Ban cruelty and rise for the civilization to run! You been adding toxic and falsehood in Muhammad's religion! !

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Chan Mongol

Chan Mongol

East Bengal (Bangladesh)
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