What You Took Away Poem by Brittany N.Smith

What You Took Away

Your selfish atempt to take away what didn't belong to you has torn me apart inside and out!

I remember that night it plays clear in my head like a movie! You where supposed to be someone i could trust, someone that i could depend on, but you took that all away after u did what to did.

How do you live with yourself knowin you took away a life that NEVER belong to you? When you close your eyes do you see my face? Do you see all the pain you put me through? Can you hear me begging you to stop? Feel my tears running over you hand as you held it over my mouth to silence my screams.

Do you feel the least bit bad for the blood you made me shed? My life has been taken away never to be given back. You took me away from my family my friends EVERYTHING!

You go on with your life like nothing ever happend. I don't understand how you can look yourself in the mirro and not feel guilty! You where the death of me I tried my heardest to fight you off but you where just to strong! You took my voice away forcing me to forever live in fear!

You used and abused me and thats something i'll never forget i hope you spend the rest of your life in regreat!

Brittany N.Smith

Brittany N.Smith

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