The Death Of Civility Poem by David Paradine

The Death Of Civility

Rating: 5.0

How did it happen
When did it occur
What caused this mutation
That we now must endure

Respect and courtesy
Once common now dead
Rudeness and disrespect
Ever present instead

So where do we go
And what do we do
To erase this scourge
How I wish I knew

Cause there once was a time
When decorum prevailed
When people were civil
Politeness hailed

Where resides the blame
Or are we all the cause
Through thoughtless actions
Never understanding the cost

Thursday, September 3, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: life,reality
Chinedu Dike 15 September 2020

Great lines nicely put together. An insightful bit of verse nicely embellished with poetic rhyme and rhythm.

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David Paradine 15 September 2020 time. Then we can start all over again.....hopefully

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Kostas Lagos 03 September 2020

I thought it was only a greek society's phenomenon! It seems it's worldwide.Well written

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David Paradine 03 January 2021 wide I 'guess'.......thank you.

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Deluke Muwanigwa 03 September 2020

First of all Sir i read your name was reminded of David carradine. I think some leaders like Trump have been careless with words to the extent some people who harbored resentment towards others are openly showing it. I m sure it will boil over soon.

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David Paradine 05 October 2020

Believe it or not I have heard that before....................Thank you for your comment, Yes we have seemed to lost our ability to be kind and to respect one another.

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David Paradine 05 October 2020

Thank you for your comment. Yes we have seemed to have lost our ability to respect and to be kind to one another.

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