The Cable Poem by Nassy Fesharaki

The Cable

The cable

One's hero is always
Terrorist, for other.

Hate the US, Iraq
And the death in blood.

Study the homeless
And murdered and injured
By the bombs, US-made,
Extensive, all over...

USA's blanket
Is wing of vampire
Covers to sucks blood.

Their leaders are liars,
Fool themselves and others
By making some devil!

Once it was Germany
Then, Japan, Italy
Until rose KGB,
And today's is China.

Nine to five, normally
Is busy in office
Or café, with machine.

As soon as takes break
To relax, go and rest
Arrive the narcotics
Of fashion and or film.

No time is there to think
About life's reality,
Questioning, possibly:
"Who are you? "

The brain takes one side,
Like talking of sisters
Collapsed by the planes!

"Long live Nine-Eleven, "
The White House slogan.

The leaders are fishers:
"Muddier the water
Fishing is easier! "

They love the disasters,
It eases their harvest…

In such time Government,
Or White House resident,
Blows in trumpets
Singing song, beloved
"Sound of hate…"

Then after comes claim:
"We have the best forces,
To the none are second! "

Study Vietnam
And war of Korea
To Sudan, Lebanon,
Afghanistan and Iraq,
Operation Desert Shield,
Flames in the Persian Gulf.

Abacus gives result:
"When love dies, hate arrives."

Unlike them, I am the
Small ant with patience,
Go around and observe
Silently, sit, compare…

The bullies, brutal,
Are copies, duplicates,
Similar are robots…

When I was in Takhkhar
Sent emails to White House,
Bill and Hill Clinton.

Taxpayers' deposit
With US government
Was issued, transferred
To Moscow's partners…

The leaders, dictators
That were Ex-Bolsheviks
Were masked as presidents
Kyrgyzstan's, Uzbekistan's:
"Stop the Taliban, their drugs! "

People of Badakhshan
Were killed, cut by Cold War!

Divided by borders
Were against Taliban
But helped them in drug.

Men, women, needed life
And had to feed the mouths!

Heading for Canada
I was there, went to talk
With the people involved.

The core of the crime
Was nothing but the War
That made it criminals
Or friends of White House.

The Muslims brothers
Were eager, encouraged
To rise, kill, the pagan
Or the Godless, faithless
Communist Muscovite's.

Their men and their women
Kept fighting in secret,
To fall of Soviets,
Then became forgotten
And deprived and ignored.

There is a proverb:
"Hungry has no faith! "

To live, they became fish
Swam upstream,
Went against the current.

White House and CIA,
NSA and others
Faced that smart Talib
Did not need arms or gun,
Instead sold drugs.

Muslims did the same with
The soldiers of the Bear.

But corrupt is White House
Divorces "The Know How, "
And follows the kind of
The racists, gangsters
That called Native "Savage! "

Oxus is the River
Divided by anthems
On two sides of border,
Dividing brothers.

For long and forever
They were one,
In beliefs and culture.

Being there I observed
The bridge of cables
Being cut, separate
The kids of same parents.

Was is it by Taliban?
Or dealers of drugs?

Nine bodies on water
Surfaced, then floated,
Murdered by cut cable.

Wednesday, September 16, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: observation
Leeann Azzopardi 17 September 2020

I was felt that America has dementia especially the GOP! Bravo!

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