Solitary Is The Place Poem by East Sea Fairy Xing Yi

Solitary Is The Place

By LIU-YongTranslated by East Sea Fairy

Solitary is the place. Alone on the haughty tower of pride
I face the wide expanse of clear
With a feeling of grieving over the autumnal tide
I think that Song-yu, a saint of poetry, must have felt the same atmosphere.
Smoke from the remote fishing mart is curling up in the sky bleak and blear.
The fallen leave fly and flutter about the fading away flowers in the village with a river near.
The western sky is voluminously drear
The sinking fiery face of Titan sear
makes the whole world a boundless burning biosphere.

In the freezing wind I long for my Fair of elegance and grace.
After the parting she must have been feeding herself on depression and down,
knitting her brows, and also on her face
there must have always been a doleful and dolorous frown.
What a pity! Her beautiful years were vainly wasted in our hometown,
where we had many joyous days. She's charming. It was so nice to be with her, my dear.
But now the space between us is like that between dawn and sundown
To nobody and nothing can I pour forth my yearning and regret drear,
But the wild goose that flies to the end of the world sheer.

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