Smile Of Love Deals All To Success! Poem by Ramesh T A

Smile Of Love Deals All To Success!

Love in all relationships makes hatred and enmity impossible
To crop up anytime to sustain human life in a nice way sure;
In an indifferent atmosphere of any working place, just a
Smile of love can deal all matters better than before ever!

Smile, kind words and helping tendency are all born of love
That make any situation amicable for all to bear and adjust
To make things proceed in a smooth way without causing any
Anxiety and tension maintaining good mood for all damn sure!

In such a situation and circumstance only, romantic affairs
Begin well leading to love and happy life after marriage to
Do great deeds resulting in achievements that bring a lot of
Honours and encomiums to romantic fellows of good nature sure!

Whatever one does or forgets in life, keeping a smile on one's
Face is the first and best posture or gesture that helps to
Solve all difficult matters in a matter of fact way without
Any fuss and tussle among the group of various natures ever..!

Friday, October 12, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: love
Ramesh T A

Ramesh T A

Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India
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