Poland-Belarus Border Refugees - Save Them Before They Die Poem by Bernedita Rosinha Pinto

Poland-Belarus Border Refugees - Save Them Before They Die

In that cold winter freezing breeze
they stand there waiting for mercy;
they are still human beings
but unfortunate at this time
as their countries have been wrecked
by wars and its aftermath
yet they have survived the ordeal
and they want to survive
as life is just once that one can live
and to live and survive is their only motive.

Parents with little innocent children
sitting and sleeping in the open chilly nights,
the turmoil, the pain, the agony shows
on their helpless state and circumstances so sore
yet they wait there at the Poland-Belarus Border
in that chilly cold winter weather
with just bags on their shoulders
but with hopes of survival in their hearts.

Yet as they stand there helplessly waiting for help,
they will freeze and die if no one cares
if no one sympathizes or if no one gives them attention;
they are not asking you for diamonds or gold
they only want to live a life to its minimum
as their situation has made them run and rush
to seek the hand of those who can hold it
and lift them up across the bridges of their hardships;
their sufferings must end,
their children must live to see a great future,
so don't turn your eyes away from their plight.

How much it hurts to see their situation
as intermittent danger they face
as hypothermia can catch their hearts
and freeze them and cease their existence;
so Poland, show mercy to those who stand there,
let tears not last in their eyes of expectations
let them not freeze and collapse like autumn leaves
but let there be assistance to those refugees
to find warm food and a shelter to rest
as they are our own earthly brothers and sisters
who are connected to us by a cord called humanity.

O Poland, so rise in brotherhood
rise in support of survival and existence
I appeal to you in the name of mankind
to extend your grace of understanding
and save the human race who at your gates stand
and seek compassion
and if your heart opens no door to them
think of those lives which will be lost in vain
for no faults of theirs but for an innocent reason
that they wanted to run across like little children
and you did not let them run across to find
that safe haven where they could rest themselves
from tragedies and jeopardies they have faced.

So as they have come to you
to ask your empathy, help them to reach those shores
which will provide them the care they need
and a home to cook a warm meal
rather than die at your border
or rather than go back to their war-torn homeland
where bombs still keep falling
and atrocities still keep occurring.

So Poland, be gracious in your understanding,
be gracious in your outlook and kindness;
be brave to extend your support to mankind
be gentle to help the refugees attain survival,
just survival, just survival
as so much colder will be the winter;
so help them pass across the border.
help them to get to safety;
don't block them, allow them to go and find a new life
I implore you in the name of humanity to let them survive.

Poland-Belarus Border Refugees - Save Them Before They Die
Human Rights, United Nations, World leaders must intervene and help the refugees at the Poland-Belarus Border
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