On Contrast Poem by Vaibhav Simha

On Contrast

The gale embraced the detritus of the city
Which fell in the war of not long ago;
Round the wells lay somas burnt,
And rimmed with horror was the survival of serenity.
There was hope no longer, amidst that disdained farrago;
In there was, for the cinder of euphoria, a hunt.

Swerving by the dead, the famished searched for food;
And nightingales looked for a branch to sing,
But lay naught but the despoilation of lives.
Far by the rivulet, settlers sat in the disparity of the city mood,
For twice-moons before, its populace was adorned with a skirmishing ring:
Of now remained nothing but labefaction and consequent social vibes.

Those twice-moons before, men amongst each other quarrelled and bantered-
Engulfed with love of ghastly mortal things, mortified was their heat;
And remained ignorant of the precarious tie these had with them.
But when their eyes did see their "precious tokens" depart from existence,
All of them flocked together and vowed to forget that abhorrent reminiscence,
And to their furnace-cores did they ordain to selfish traits condemn.
Round the fire was the motion passed of splitting up the meat;
Their hearts within were warmed; with each other, they chattered.

Since when has misery brought us together?
Has that signified the fall of the good heaven,
For it is not ecstasy that bonded us merry?
It is the prowess of selfish tether
That has manifested as our ruination's beacon.
Prevent this, O' man, and euphoria shall come to you in god's ferry.

Sunday, March 3, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: contrast,wisdom
This poem depicts the difference of human virtues and qualities due to the selfish traits of human beings.

Glossary: -
1. twice-moons: (here)two nights
2. furnace-cores: (here)hearts
3. cinder: (here; an alternate meaning)taste or bit
4. motion passed: (here)decided
5. social vibes: (here)social commotion
6. farrago: a confused mixture
7. disparity of the city mood: (here; self-explanatory)difference in
the situation or the mood of the people
8. skirmishing ring: (here)symbolic of quarreling prevalent
9. heat: (here)kindness

Rhyming scheme:
1. For stanzas 1,2 and 4: ABCABC
2. For stanza 3: ABCDDCBA
Bri Edwards 27 April 2019

(cont.) 3 - " splitting up the meat" ? ? beef, pork, or python? " For it is not ecstasy that bonded us merry? " ...i wonder if you want " ..it is.." or " ..is it..." ? ? you make it sound as though the survivors of a recent war, local citizens, found relief amongst ruin. could it be. you were half asleep? maybe. or half awake? even with glossary (thanks, btw) it was not perfectly clear, as you suspected. bri :)

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Bri Edwards 27 April 2019

(cont.) 2 - " labefaction" (you used this in another poem; i didn't know its meaning there either) .." a weakening or impairment especially of moral principles or civil order: downfall, overthrow (cont.)

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Bri Edwards 27 April 2019

1 - " gale" ..storm? " soma" ...intoxicating juice from a plant of disputed identity that was used in ancient India as an offering to the gods and as a drink of immortality.. OR " bodies" ? ? ? " survival of serenity" i like the alliteration " adorned" ? doesn't sound right to me here. (cont.)

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