Nepali Calendar Of 2076 Years Poem by Chan Mongol

Nepali Calendar Of 2076 Years


Credit goes to the ancient founders,
They modified and gave calendars.
Knights founded best ways then,
Thus, updated traditions for men.

Thanks to those ancient law makers,
Calendars were revolutionary discovers.
Old was changed without any protest,
Knights updated and presented the best.

What was before the Julian calendar?
Or, the only avatar was Julius Caesar?
People lived scientifically in the nature,
With the system of lunar and solar!

But knights edited things over and over,
And put the seal of popular leader in power.
Julian calendar renamed for Christ, Jesus;
The amendment came after forty five years.

Also, Abram's, Hammurabi's calendar died;
To remember, Muhammad's Pilgrim-ride.
Calendars sourced with even zodiac signs
Nepal's Hinduism and China for many Asians.

Bengali and Punjabi are refurbished of Nepali,
Roots of civilization are found really easily!
A renovated calendar holds original foundation;
Thus, repairs, editions, made a nation, religion.

Julian calendar came 45 years before Christian,
Nepali calendar came 76 years of B.C. run.
Undoubtedly, Silk road of Nepal put all together;
With shiny tradition, science, culture, calendar.

We are to find what is true and what is not true,
But confusions are in the biased history!
Years and young calendars with ill maintenance,
Ill cultures do not denote a nation's intelligence!

Unchanged Himalaya, so is the Nepali calendar;
A calendar is for a civilization, a path finder!
What left after changing and in breaking away.
Quarreling nations born without any good day!

Nepali Calendar Of 2076 Years
Tuesday, April 16, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: facts,historical
Julia Luber 18 April 2019

Brings you into a different time of life, thinking about groups of people one usually wouldn't- knights et cetera: all through writing about Calendars. Very clever springboard. Interesting.

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Savita Tyagi 16 April 2019

Living under British rule our culture and knowledge was suppressed. It is so wonderful to see now that people of Indian subcontinent are getting it touch with our ancient civilization again and wishing each other with their own calander new year again. So nice to read your poem. Wish you a happy new year.

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Chan Mongol

Chan Mongol

East Bengal (Bangladesh)
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