Love Is The Sixth Sense Poem by Bernedita Rosinha Pinto

Love Is The Sixth Sense

From many miles apart
whether man lives or departs
the echoes of love generates proximity
as memories keep eclipsing loneliness
fidelity keeps the bond of love intact
never permitting man to forget his links;
from a mother's womb walks that child
on this earth he travels miles and yonder,
and though distance may stand as the enemy
the echoes of love brings everyone nearer
by petals of family, friendship and cordiality.
When every leaf of autumn falls with winter's decree
when every Christmas makes the home a museum
when every spring brings out the sun though cold
love offers its gift - a sense of belonging.
And though love keeps getting weary and old
joy keeps evading the heart invariably,
yet absence then directs an action so strengthening
that from every village or every city
whether a father awaits or a mother cries
longing for their child to return home;
whether a bird waits to reach its nest
or whether a lover awaits those kisses of passion
togetherness attributes re-union so silently,
that every one who breathes and walks
can hear the echoes of his own love
to get closer to the one he needs;
that every one who yearns and hopes
can hear the echoes of others' love
and evaluate the need of nearness others crave,
the unity, the connection- the sixth sense
that mankind needs to hold on to live;
nothing can prevent or stop
those echoes of love from vibrating
and making others mutually feel its melody.

Love Is The Sixth Sense
Sunday, October 29, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: love and life
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