Happy Thanksgiving- Nov 2021 Poem by Bernedita Rosinha Pinto

Happy Thanksgiving- Nov 2021

Go, enjoy your turkey and be glad, be thankful today
as only today you can shout and tell everyone
you are alive and doing well, doing great-
still breathing and feeling alive;

for just as birds have never been able
to discard their feathers,
traditions have never been able to disconnect themselves
from their cultures and celebrations;

and the mighty little turkey bird has won its accolade
and distinctiveness as for years on the dinner table
of thanksgiving it shows its flavor
and all those who gather around it always relish it;

and though time never stops moving ahead or backward
people never stop from acknowledging the blessings
they have received and enjoyed thro the year;
so the thanksgiving day maneuvers a joy so explicit
that families and friends meet and reminisce their blessings;

and that is why people gather to celebrate thanksgiving
as they feel obliged that they could replenish
their storehouses of hope and fate thro the year
with food and providence, with love and faith;

and as the thanksgiving day is the only day in a year
denoted as an opportunity to celebrate all the harvests
that one has accumulated or collected,
whether those harvests were of prosperity or fortune
whether those blessings were of wealth or health
or whether those blessings were harvests of air and water
they were all so necessary for mankind to survive and exist.

So, man the master of his mind and memory
makes things for himself and progresses,
man the one who ventures to enjoy
all that has been created on this earth by God for him;
man thus concedes to observe the thanksgiving day
to express his fervor of gratitude to God Almighty;

and as every heart and household unites to sit and eat
the thanksgiving dinner together,
they share and show their respect for all the benevolence
they have received and for the gift of life they still enjoy
while the cooked turkey bird tradition on that thanksgiving table
speaks of volumes of gratitude that
mankind has held within himself for centuries.

Happy Thanksgiving- Nov 2021
Happy Thanksgiving to my Cousin Cynthia and Aunty Berta in America. My paternal aunt Berta is 90 years of age and I am proud of her age.
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