Ananda Siva Natanam 4 -Siva Dances With His Creations Poem by Geeta Radhakrishna Menon

Ananda Siva Natanam 4 -Siva Dances With His Creations

Rating: 5.0

When Siva dances with the ‘Pancha Mahabhutas'
Then it is ‘Ananda Natanam',
The dance of joy and bliss!

He wears a sparkling golden red robe,
His expands His chest that covers the whole world,
He produces the first sound vibration of this world,
He breathes the vital breath into the universe
He splashes seven colours of a rainbow into the sky;
He stamps, skips and circles like a super dancer,
He enjoys His own choreographic skill.

Siva is having a blast!
Siva controls the ‘Agni' and ‘Jala' in equal measure.
Siva teases and plays with the Vayu and Prithvi!

The Creator and the Creations dance dance,
The ‘Pancha Maha Bhutas' or The five elements dance.
The ‘Akasha or sky dances,
The ‘Agni' or fire dances,
The ‘Jala' or water dances,
The ‘Prithvi' or earth dances,
The ‘Vayu' or wind dances with playful excitement!

A display of dancing demonstration,
An unbelievable thrilling adventure,
And a dynamic dancing wonder!

Ananda Siva Natanam 4 -Siva Dances With His Creations
Rajnish Manga 10 March 2019

Focus of this poetic presentation remains on the grandeur of Lord Shiva as seen through his celestial dance taking into account the ‘Ananda Natanam' or the dances with the ‘Pancha Mahabhutas' (sky, fire, water, earth and wind) known as the building blocks of this entire creation. This has rightly been called the profusion of dancing wonder. Thanks a lot for this amazing write, Geeta ji.

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Julia Luber 09 March 2019

I feel like this is a great way to learn the meanings of words. Uplifting way to learn a language, like a dance- through poetry.

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Ratnakar Mandlik 09 March 2019

A mythological marvel unfolded in an equally marvelous grace and devotion. Thanks for sharing.

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