A Prayer For Health And Well-Being Poem by Vaibhav Simha

A Prayer For Health And Well-Being

Rating: 4.3

The stars of the universe and of the earth are chanting your name,
For they desire your shield: want you to the reaper of death tame.
Like Heaven be made Earth, sans death and sans malady—
Let the mortifying groans of this epoch become lush melody!

Upon your threshold, I stand and yen for all our deeds' worth,
Yet in the end, only your benign mien shall ignite our worldly mirth.
Lord, may yours be done—let life thrive once again like ever;
Since herein lay all your beloved and dear, foolish and clever.

Liberate us from these shackles of plague, these rings of misery!
I intercede for the world, that it shall bear no longer the stigma of perjury.
Panacea be the euphony of Aves, your hands' artistry—all harm nullify!
May our tokens of deference suffice so that you our hearts mollify.

My Lord! I beseech thee, importune thee: deter our common enemy!
Sear it with your deific charm; kindly do our pneumas remedy.
Emancipate your magnanimity and rescue us from this calamity:
For the kings with people kneel—make our hearts dance with alacrity!

Saturday, June 6, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: forgiveness,health,prayer
malady: disease
perjury: sin of oath-breaking
mollify: calm or reduce the anxiety
pneuma: soul
magnanimity: generosity
mien: manner or appearance which is indicative of the person's mood
and character
importune: request
Me Poet Yeps Poet 06 June 2020

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Valsa George 06 June 2020

Liberate us from these shackles of plague, these rings of misery! I intercede for the world, that it shall bear no longer the stigma of perjury. A beautiful and earnest supplication to God to intercede in the crisis the world is passing through at present! Only God can do such a thing where man and Science have failed! Let God save man from the iminent peril into which humanity is about to nosedive.....!

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