Fredrick Nemes Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Why I Love You

You care with your all heart,
Kindness is seen from within your eyes,
Smartness and awesomeness makes me miss you even more,
Most of all I love the whole you,

Love Mama

A flower in my world,
A reason for my all time hustles,
A true soulmate that am proud of having,
Love Mama is how i named you, My all time role model.

My Day

A poet from sub-urban
Waking up early than wild sparrows,
Doing exercises than special forces guards,
Before the sun is up my day has just begun shinny and tinny.


A reason for thy hustles,
A daily wake up alarm,
An endurance tincture of sun and rain,
Salary is how it was named, part timers get the wages part.

Happy Birthday

I know a woman great among all,
In times of hardship she never gave up,
Indeed she believe in who she carried in her womb,
She is the one i call my Mother, my first and all time soulmate.


In your deepest sleep just listen,
In the midday wake hour keep listening,
In the middle of a calm night your ears better listen,
Listen to thy voices of thy universe, Master the listening art.

A White Flower

Every living adores her,
Even insects pays attention to her,
Endless decoration she adds to the world,
A white flower is how i call her, a perfect creation ever emerged.

Rise And Shine

Rise and shine you sleeping beauty,
Rise majestically,
Rise hungry,
Rise motivated, new memories to create.

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