Aerin Andre Poems

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Music Notes

The most beautiful thing I'll ever know
A music note
A note after another note

Life = Simple Math

2 + 2 = 4
Me + you = :)
Me + her = The wheels to my car being sliced
Simple mathematics is what it comes down to

A Breathe Of Fresh Air

I'm a deep thinker
And I'm just trying to live my life
Who am I?
The answer is, I'm not quite sure

I Love You Abuelo

I love you abuelo
That's what I wanted to say
You see if I ever called my grandfather else
He would be more likely to hit me in the face

Timeless Time

Time has passed
And I have watched it fly by
Fly; fly away time that gave me no chance
You favored those who were not I

What Is Really Love?

What is really love?
Is it waking up with a beautiful woman you’ve only had only had the pleasure of meeting once.
Is it marry your adolescent high school sweet heart, and twenty years of your life flutter away.
While you turn disastrous, angry, and a separation is evident.

Who Walks On This Train

Who walks on this train?
The Person and the problems clearly evident.
The older intelligent who seems to not know how to clearly save a life.
Everyone expects the solutions from him yet the drama can not receive much reactions from any other alliances.

What Happened To The Cutest Little Girl

What happened to the cutest girl?
Do you by any chance know?
I believe you would inform my desperation if you had known of her whereabouts.
What happened to the star in its midnight radiance?

You Continue To Fight

Never swallow in your own despair.
Fight whoever guards the right or objectively wrong path.
The villain of your story never truly dies it just switches between limitless costumes.
Continue through this snuff film to realize yet another bump arises.

In My Mentality It Is A Cricket

I have always tried but not until recently could I place a figure towards my conscious.
A gleeful cricket is all that stands before me.
He always time after time appears whenever he can place an anecdote to ruin any possibility of my idea of happiness.
Notions of a simple whisper or a wave of his glove fitted hands to beckon his wisdom.

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