World Poems Otteri Poet

World Poems Otteri Poet Poems

It's not dawn
That morning
The reason..
snow rain

সেই আকাশের দিকে
জানি বৃষ্টি হবে
সেই আকাশ জানে বৃষ্টি হবে না

कोई भी
भले ही यह एक पेशा हो
कोई भी
भले ही यह एक खेल हो

The Best Poem Of World Poems Otteri Poet

Winter Time

It's not dawn
That morning
The reason..
snow rain
To that sun
Holding an umbrella
In light of that flaw
While not moving fast
The status quo is stagnant….
A cup of black tea is poured for the taste
That winter
in the morning
Insensibly dull….

+ Otteri Selva Kumar

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