Valentine Mbagu

Valentine Mbagu Poems

As October 1 approaches, HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY……………………
I have enormous tracts of land and vast volumes of water, but cannot feed myself.
So I spend $1 billion to import rice and another $2 billion on milk.
I produce rice, but don’t eat it. I have millions of cows but no milk.

Behold Nigeria my motherland
A land that sits upon the hills of many waters
A country built on the ancient landmark of heroes band
An Eagle that protects her citizens in the arms of her feathers.

I never taught true love really existed,
until the first day l set my eyes on you.
My heart stopped beating for a moment,
my attention suddenly turned towards your direction;

Here breaths Paris the city of love
A citadel that protects the love of many a lovers heart,
An ancient tower standing tall like the heavens above
A city that bonds together lovers heart never to part.

MOSQUE has 6 letters so
does CHURCH.

QURAN has 5 letters so

When the pains of life pins me to the pable,
and l have none to come to my rescue;
still l rise.

The stewardship of talent calls attention for everyone to discover their purpose on earth,
knowing we are created with potentials waiting to be maximized.
The stewardship of time calls attention for everyone to maximize their time on earth,
knowing we are mandated to dominate and subdue the earth.

My friends cast me out,
my loved ones despise me,
my heart is grieved in me.

All ye termites hacking ants are you without sin?
Twisting the law to your greed thus dethroning justice
Thou that dis-virgins the law to suit your selfish taste,

Lost in the tunnel of suffering and her struggles,  
I saw thick darkness in the broad daylight;
Life became worthless and living disdained,  
For all hope was lost as I cursed my existence.

The hour comes when you dream for marriage,
The hour when destiny calls the future to fulfilment;
The hour when nature requires you to settle down.

Marriage is an incomprehensible mystery
A hidden truth kept secret from the foundation of the world,
It cannot be discovered by intelligence or insight
But made explanatory by revelation.

The tears of love in my heart can neither human nor spirit understand,
For my heart is bruised in grief.

The pains of love in my soul can neither words nor speech utter,

The understanding of the stewardship of time calls attention to the accountability of time.
The knowledge of time management promotes the accomplishment of God's purpose for man.
The understanding of the time enhances the fulfillment of life ambitions on earth.

The moment comes when you dream for love,
The moment when the present calls the future to fulfillment;
The moment when the future draws nearer.

Loving begins with a lover,
a dishonourable person cannot love.
Like hunting which cannot be done by just any hunter,
loving requires ability;

I feel pain in my heart
My mind suffers in silence.

My soul seeks loneliness and longing,

The Brave Lion has be deprived the pride of His bride in the jungle of life.
The Mighty Tree has been hewned down by the dreaded wind of death.

Night has swallowed morning in the broad day light.

There where difficulty erupts like a volcano,
l will seek solace in God my Creator.

There where the sorrow and horror of life meets in a border,

There at the eve where October planned her suicide,
l embraced praise and worship hoping to recover all that was lost over the years.

There at the gloom where October groaned to dethrone her grains,

Valentine Mbagu Biography

Valentine Mbagu was born in Onitsha, Anambra State of Nigeria. He is an indigen of Umuokoroba-Ozalla in Nkanu-West Local Government Area (LGA) Enugu State. He is the second son of Mrs. Bertha Mbagu and late Mr. Augustine Mbagu. Valentine also attended a government high school in Government Secondary School Wuse Zone 3, Abuja Nigeria. He is currently a high school graduate and he intends to study French language in the University Of France; which will guarantee him the knowledge needed to become the Great Ambassador.)

The Best Poem Of Valentine Mbagu

Nigeria Independence Celebration

As October 1 approaches, HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY……………………
I have enormous tracts of land and vast volumes of water, but cannot feed myself.
So I spend $1 billion to import rice and another $2 billion on milk.
I produce rice, but don’t eat it. I have millions of cows but no milk.
I am 53, please celebrate me.
I drive the best cars in the world but have no roads,
so I crush my best brains in the caverns,
craters and crevasses they crash into daily.
I am in unending mourning, please celebrate me.
My school has no teacher and my classroom has no roof.
I take lectures through windows and live with 15 others in one room.
All my professors have gone abroad, and the rest are awaiting visas.
I am a university graduate, but I am illiterate. I want a future, please celebrate me.
Preventable diseases send me to hospitals without doctors, medicines or power.
All the nurses have gone abroad and the rest are waiting to go also.
I have the highest maternal and infant mortality rates in the world;
and future generations are dying before me. I am hopeless, hapless and helpless,
please celebrate me.
For democracy’s sake I stood all day on Election Day.
But before I could ink my thumb, results had been broadcast.
When I dared to speak out, silence was enthroned by bullets.
My leaders are my oppressors, and my policemen are my terrors.
I am ruled by men in mufti, but I am not a democracy.
I have no verve, no vote, no voice, please celebrate me.
My youth have no past, present nor future.
So my sons in the North have become street urchins;
and his brothers in the South have become kidnappers.
My nephews die of thirst in the Sahara and his cousins drown in the Mediterranean.
My daughters walk the streets of Lagos, Abuja and Port Harcourt;
while her sisters parade the streets of Rome and Amsterdam.
I am grief-stricken, please celebrate me.
Pen-wielding bandits have raided everything in my vaults.
They walk the land with haughty strides and fly the skies with private planes
They have looted the future of generations unborn;
and have money they cannot spend in several lifetimes,
but their brothers die of starvation. I want a kit of kindness, please celebrate me.
I can produce anything, but import everything.
So my toothpick is made in China; my toothpaste is made in South Africa;
my salt is made in Ghana; my butter is made in Ireland;
my milk is made in Holland; my shoe is made in Italy;
my vegetable oil is made in Malaysia*** my biscuit is made in Indonesia;
my chocolate is made in Turkey and my table water made in France.
My taste is far-flung and foreign, please celebrate me.
My land is dead because all the trees have been cut down;
flooding kills thousands yearly because the drainages are clogged;
my fishes are dead because the oil companies dump waste in my rivers;
my communities are vanishing into the huge yawns of gully erosion, and nothing is being done.
My very existence is uncertain and I am in the deepest depths of despondence, please celebrate me.
I have genuine leather but choose to eat it.
So I spend billions of dollars to import fake leather.
I have four refineries, but prefer to import fuel,
so I waste more billions to import petrol. I have no security in my country,
but send troops to keep peace in another man’s land.
I have hundreds of dams, but no water.
So I drink ‘pure’ water that roils my innards.
I need a vision, please celebrate me.
I have a million candidates craving to enter universities,
but my dungeons can only accommodate a tenth.
I have no power, but choose to flare gas,
so my people have learnt to see in the dark and stare at the glare of Unclad flares.
I am shrouded by darkness, please celebrate me.
For my golden jubilee,
I shall spend 16 billion naira to bash around the bonfires of the banal.
So what if the majority gaze at my possessed, frenzied dance;
drenched in silent tears, as probity is enslaved in democracy’s empty cellars?
I am profligacy personified, please celebrate me.
Why can I not simply reflect and ponder?
Does my complexion cloud the colour of my character?
Does my location limit the lengths my liberty?
Does the spirit of my conviction shackle my soul
Does my mien maim the mine of my mind?
And is failure worth celebrating?

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