Upendra Majhi

Upendra Majhi Poems

I remember a few blades of grass,
I remember white flowers of drumstick,
the afternoon rainbow, reflected images of hibiscus,
the full moon of kumar purnima

Today,12 August I was born,
Today I was born great,
I am a audio video system put by God,
to report all sublleties of His creation,

The black mole of monsoon cloud
in the blue forehead of earth,
the kathkali colours of
red, green, pink, yellow

Knowledge gives humbleness
Humbleness gives worthiness,
From worthiness comes wealth,
From wealth , religiosity,

This flow of love
sporadic flow rather,
like the photons,
that need plucking before decay,

Your love hint came in my cell
in sms, as one time password,
I came running and stood still before you,
You said you want Character validity verification

The sky- Ganges flows above my head
I at 8000 metres above the earth,
The river 1000meter above me,
the white stream flow closely tight

A white tiny butterfly,
wings like two petals of tagar flower,
the wind stands still to make it fly,
Perhaps earth rotates slower to allow it live,

so love is not the tall hill with its gorges,
steep sides, wintersnows, nor the avalanches,
not its summer forests, nor autumn el ninos,
it is not the wild life or flora or mighty fauna,

Now in wee hours, koel sings
In march, spreading a splendid spring,
It reverebetes on stone hill,
Return to vale,

It does not rain for crops,
For crop is the food,
Food is not consumed by matter,
God does not consume food,

questions are good, but they are half of the whole,
answers are good, but falls short of the soul,
Give me the glance, that mute loving glance, ,
and even that naughty nod, that careless laugh,


Much more than the souls of animate,
much more than the souls of inanimate,
of all stars, stones and supernova,
it is the momemt,

When I catapulted my lost love
to the wee-hour crescent moon
it hit the outer lunar convex arch
and my orchard pond, it fell into


Ordinarily koel will not sing
, only if love is in your heart,
Love Idea to apply in mind.
She mightsing,

We have karaoke songs,
They are good,
In that, sungtoday,
They are sung in a more informed voice,

Amongall doubt-types,
Love doubt is thickest,
specific gravity, highest
Doubt metal will not melt,

I went out in a splendid evening
to the city's open park,
there was shenanigans,
one pony was lame,

Upendra Majhi Biography

I joined Reserve Bank of India in 1981. I am Assistant General Manager in Office of Banking Ombudsman, Mumbai, I will be happy if through poetry, I can be a part of redressing grievances of the world. Nature and planet physical, social, intellctual, cultural, emotional, biological is crying out for description and preservation in codified or open elaborate form as it portrays millions of images every moment all over the planet. That will help posterity in solving human problems. The matters, images, facts, truths, that is not capable of being wholly captured, encapsuled in a prose can be easily grasped and grabbed in a verse.)

The Best Poem Of Upendra Majhi

At 59 Years What I Remember

I remember a few blades of grass,
I remember white flowers of drumstick,
the afternoon rainbow, reflected images of hibiscus,
the full moon of kumar purnima
I remember yellow kaniyar flowers, white lotus,
a few big rain drops,
a few duststorms
I remember a few distant thunder, mridanga beats,
the sweet morning ten teian song,
I remember long calls of my brother before lunch,
I remember fragrance of marigold, malli,
fragrance of colour on Lord Ganesh, Maataa Basuli
I remember pitha sweetmeat 'mandaa, fish spiced and tamarind
I remember exchange of love glances,
glances of appreciation,
I rememebra few soft touch on me.
I remember the rendezvous with soul
in a dark night under a starry night
alone in a meadow

****tentenia is a songbird who sings very sweet mostly in foggy morn

Upendra Majhi Comments

Shrikant Kadam 31 January 2018

very nice poems sir..

0 0 Reply

Upendra Majhi Quotes

I take so much time to write a quote that belong only to me.it shows We have come a long way living in civilised time, guided by precepts and wisdom of famous people, learning them from books or elders or by sheer reprimand and proscriptions of our well wishers.It shows we have not needed a fresh wisdom, fresh guidelines.3000 years of quotes, wisdom riding the crest of billions of human mind across the planet, in today's world spreading through digital media is sufficient.

Like stars lie alone in the sky.You need to collect them for a constellation.In the planet, more so in wee hours, sights and sounds lie alone.You need to collect them into a constellation.

We have spent up our pure curiosities.And humanity has been benefited by those. Now you bank upon children's curiosities, cleverly harvesting those for further benefits.

Don't drive too fast on intellect lane.You will find, lane is filled with emotion humps.

Beware of monkeys around you who have lost their tails by accident.They are trying to clamp on you, their lifestyle .

Life is unlike the summing up of 1 to 50 by the formula of 50 multiplied by 51 divided by two. Life is summing up 1 plus 2 plus 3 upto 50. Both the ways result is same.

Love gravitates towards hearts like an object falling by gravitation,32 feet per second square, but rarely at uniform speed, because like object, it falls from above, from moon.

Humanity is, intermittently forgetting that woman is the only medium of motherhood.

At the age of 59, I realise that life is not about riding away your warhorse leaving behind moon, songbird, the tall weed, the cool eve breeze for more money.There was a alternative way of self actualisation remaining with the aforesaid.

The leaves tell wind, blow in symmetry, if blow you must.

we are not following meticulous demeanour even of a sparrow.

Quotes form famous persons come as answer to a question, answer in the shape of an articulation to a situation long asked, mentioned by children, less intelligent people, peer group in a silent mode.

peace seeking, love seeking should go beyond pursuit of individuals to instituton building.twenty genius got nobelprizes on speaking in favour of institution building. Only poetry talks of love and peace in a proactive manner. There is no such thing as Bharat poetry Club.Bharat Love, Peace Poetry Club.Poerty pre-empts war and takes us very far and irreversibly along peace and love.

Pile love upon love if not consciously, but in all inadvertence, in a twisted funny manner, in all other styles, you will find that in that your harboured hate has melted.

The thrust of whole cosmic force with all matters produced a needlepoint entity that is our planet, it is a product of ''love ''of matters and the principles of matters not the love of any living beings. In fact word love is a misnomer for this. where do the chance theory and love theory meet then?

Do not rejoice on new found scope for romancing, That is a trap.

Morals are like series of islands, at a short distance to each other.Politics is the deep water in between, the everyday living, that you need to swim to reach the islands. There is no point in getting stranded on one island.

everything is studied, not the poetry. if you have lived morally, with love in your heart for innocents, helpless, if you still enjoy the tiny bird tweetering in the wee hour, if you appreciate the precipitation of monsoon rain, a distant thunder that you can do without serious study, your words, written and spoken are all poems.

everything is studied, not the poetry. if you have lived morally, with love in your heart for innocents, helpless, if you still enjoy the tiny bird tweetering in the wee hour, if you appreciate the precipitation of monsoon rain, a distant thunder that you can do without serious study, your words, written and spoken are all poems.

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