Stephenie Dargan

Stephenie Dargan Poems

To see from my eyes would make nightmares look normal. To feel my heart would make all man stumble. To know how a smile would lay across my face, and light up the place, where I sit in a dark room consumed with gloom. To look up at the sky and my mind floats away as night turns to day, I guess it's better this way. So to be me would be, to let go and make peace, to those that hurt me and break the agony of my suffering. Would you agree?


I have no time to argue with you. I have no time for should have's or could have beens. I have no time to wonder why you don't like me. I have no time for excuses. I have no time for your traumas, I have my own to deal with. I don't have time, cause there's not enough time…

Is it my hair, my walk, my lips, my dark brown eyes that looks inside your soul. Is it the swag I give when the room is full of blue eyed blonde headed whispers that already put a mark on my back as a stereotype. In the back of my mind I know what they call me. In the front of my mind I see demons surrounding me. Don't reach to touch my hair if I didn't give you permission, I'm not a pet and I'm not here to shuck and jive for your amusement. I'm just trying to stay alive so the next black girl can be treated a little bit better then I was…

Stephenie Dargan Biography


The Best Poem Of Stephenie Dargan

To Be Me

To see from my eyes would make nightmares look normal. To feel my heart would make all man stumble. To know how a smile would lay across my face, and light up the place, where I sit in a dark room consumed with gloom. To look up at the sky and my mind floats away as night turns to day, I guess it's better this way. So to be me would be, to let go and make peace, to those that hurt me and break the agony of my suffering. Would you agree?

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