Scarlett Outlaw Poems

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Saved My Life

There was yelling everywhere,
gunshots, screams and pleads.
The gun pointed at me,
you saved my life.

Another Day

She walks the halls in sheer anger.
She breaks the lockers in half,
She goes into the bathroom and cuts herself
Drip, Drip, Drip goes the blood,

His Touch

She leaned against the brick wall,
Letting him feel her body.
His hands rested gently on her waist,
He looked into her hazel eyes.

Struggling Faith

Sometimes I find myself dreaming,
in the daytime.
It is always about finding peace and love.

Love Dies On The Cross

Was it my fault?
You and I fell in love at a young age.
We weren't blessed nor accepted by family and friends.
So we ran away together, you and me.

I Don'T Know What To Do Anymore

I loved him.
Yes I did.
He was mine,
And I was his.

Cold Snow Fall

The snow fall this year will be cold.
How will the homeless surive;
living on your doorstep,
or in your garden?

A Born Survivor

He is old, he is fragile.
He is my grandfather.
He has fought everyone and everything.
He will protect me from illness,

The Only Person

You're always there to make me smile, laugh and cry.
To cheer me up, when I am down.
To hold me close and never let go.

Just Another Story.

This is just another story,
A sad one it may be indeed.
Is it true?
Or is it fake?

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