Rajpreet hans Poems

Hit Title Date Added
The Teacher

A Precious gift by God is the Teacher,
The real truth behind a successful man, ,
He always teach us like father and mother,
My Teacher is my both-soul and brain,

Man And Tree

Oh! Man you cut me for your greed.
But, I am who, wish you to feed.

When I was grow small in deep forest.

Father As A Teacher

You are a precious teacher for me,
I think you are a best teacher for me
You help me at every step of my life
& take dicisions for me.


यह ज़िन्दगी तेरी मनुष्य,
मुसीबतों से भरी है,
यह किसीऔर ने नहीं,
बस, तूने स्वंय ने ही भरी है।

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