Wife Beating Poem by Eden Trinidad

Wife Beating

He seduced her with his poetry…
he had to woo her to the core
pledged his luminous perfect love
her innocent smile touched his beguiling look

on the altar full of promising blooms
vowed to love, unknowingly of woes
"woman, are you ready to love and to hold? "
shyly whispered a word and no one foretold!

blind adoration leaps to her beholder
on the solitary bed of roses
her soul started to drift
as summer ranting its drifts

time and again intoxicated
the prince in her reverie
a frightening creature in reality
splitting palm quietened a baffled cry

hand weaved gentle fabric
that once covered her virtues
under a solemn sky, her wail roared
her blood shut eyes terrified, she howled

her vail mutters a word,
her soul trembling in fear
shadows of remembrance of two souls
swaying her in their arms

like a delicate fragile flower
never in her dreamed
that her powdered smooth skin
will ever feel this pain

as he forced her to the unknown
she lost her consciousness
only to wake up in the jagged nightmare
she tendered her breath to a monster

he smiled at her so lovingly day after day
cherishing, caressing the corner
of the blood tainted lips of her
hands as white as her face

convulsively hot tears wailed
from the half-closed bloodshot eyes of her
savaged memory marked her death, no empathy,
she closed her painful eyes forever in eternity.

Wednesday, April 15, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: empathy,woman
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