When You See Achebe Poem by Emmanuel Joseph Olumakiss

When You See Achebe

Rating: 5.0

When you see Achebe
At the gathering of the saints
Or in the midst of the Umunna
Together with the finest brains
There at the village square
Dinning in wisdom and words
Do call his name to a stand
Let eulogies be served to his taste
Present him a well dished greetings
And votes of many thanks
Acknowledge him for a life well composed
Announce his name with the salute of the thunderstorm
For doing the works beyond the height of numerous gods
Bringing to the highest height;
Lives meant to be kept underground
Tell him legacy lives for the sake of men of his height
That exhibit the heart of multitudes whose death never
end their famous name
Tap his forehead twice so you can tap from his existing wisdom
He has built bridges where many for long have been refused a passage
Remind him of his wisdom that produce brains of reputable
Gifting humanity the choice to choose life when its fun and
He's name we 've not forgotten in a hurry
Not even the works of his numerous arts
A name when travelled our lips we salivate in a spirited approach chanting in psalms like one who has witnessed a resurrection
Among the foot we ve traced
His path broadens our mind

Thursday, September 3, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: epitaph
Bold Son 16 September 2020

Do call his name to a stand let eulogies be served to his taste. Good choice of words.

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