When October Comes Poem by Amar Agarwala

When October Comes

October comes with deep blue skies
And ushers an autumn mellow,
It adds a cheer to forlorn hearts
With sweet daisies white and yellow.

The breeze brings in a scent of snow
From the womb of an arctic cold,
It paints the boughs with mystic hues
With Midas touch of beaten gold.

It cools the breath of fevered trees
Those have withstood the summer sun,
To verdure lush it adds a tweet
And a rhyme to the sonnets spun.

A mist rolls in with falling dusk
While the shadows lengthen so soon,
Twilight cavorts with distant stars
Along with a magical moon.

It brings blessings for lovelorn hearts
Sprinkled from the heavens above,
Begets the seasons choicest wish
Tender tidings for those in love.

And riper get the apples red
A sturdy brown the ears of corn,
With a doting the meadows stare
At lakes with paradise re-borne.

The season beckons butterflies
To gallivant with sprightly blooms,
Which spread fragrance to mortals all
And to the dead who sleep in tombs.

Oh October... thy euphony!
Drunken grapes all ready for wine,
Which I shall sip to quench my thirst
Thus reach the portals of divine.

When October Comes
Sunday, October 23, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: seasons

The month brings in the onset of autumn. With tender blooms, mild weather, nature painted in pastel shades of heart-warming colours, soothing breeze wafting with the smell of fresh fruits.

Dusk comes in earlier, twilight plays mystic games with the shadows and lovers snuggle in the palpable chill that settles in with a light mist that the river brings along as the sun sets.

It is a beautiful month and is a welcome change to the sultry summers and the long and endless monsoons. I love this month... and moreover, I was born one beautiful October, many years ago.
Amar Agarwala 26 October 2016

Dear Robert, Thank you for reading and liking my verses. Words of inspiration from a poet, are a sacrament... shall treasure it!

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