To Turn World Into Heaven Out Of Hell! Poem by Ramesh T A

To Turn World Into Heaven Out Of Hell!

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Friendship between worthy persons or nations is rare ever;
Building up such a friendship needs multi-pronged approach
For enjoying mutual benefits and enduring haphazards fair
For lasting friendship in the world full adverse bindings!

Genuine and fair democracies are rare to find in the world;
Maintaining equality, fraternity and liberty with justice
Despite disparities and diversities in all respects are
Indeed rare and a great miracle happening so to say sure!

In this situation, friendship between a great democratic
Nation noted for the symbol of liberty and a largest
Democratic nation noted for the symbol of unity ever in
Diversity is great boon for world peace and prosperity!

If friendship between such worthy ones takes place among
Such others too, world will turn into heaven out of hell!

Monday, February 24, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: friendship
Valsa George 26 February 2020

Good relationships among people and nations are equally important! Strained relationships will lead to quarrel and violence! So, to have lasting peace and prosperity, we have to foster good relationships! Wisely put!

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Ramesh T A

Ramesh T A

Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India
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