To Be Reborn Anew... Poem by Annette Aitken

To Be Reborn Anew...

Rating: 5.0

To Be Reborn Anew

To experience failure
waiting to exhale.
all my secrets are floating
to the surface.
I'm drifting, but, not to sleep.
It's hard to deal with death
to put it in its place,
crying on the inside, off
merciless destruction
deprives me of a peaceful mind
to keep focused
tune everything out.
Trying not to descend beneath,
the cold dark waters of death.
Each precious breath escaping slowly,
allowing all the disappointments,
dissolve in the bubbles of destain.

To be reborn anew.


Saturday, January 28, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: life and death
Dr Antony Theodore 06 May 2017

waiting to exhale. all my secrets are floating to the surface. crying on the inside, Trying not to descend beneath, allowing all the disappointments, dissolve in the bubbles of destain. These are the lines i liked very much in your poem. Yes a new birth is needed, a change, a needed change is needed Jesus told Nikodemus „You should be born again“ Lovely poem dear Annette

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Edward Kofi Louis 25 February 2017

Anew! ! Thanks for sharing.

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Bill Cantrell 30 January 2017

Annette, you are becoming what I knew you would be, I see you developing into a special voice of your own, a true poetess, your emotions in this poem not only have focus but is raw with creativity! You are standing out and being noticed...and it is no suprise to me.

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Tom Billsborough 30 January 2017

I agree with Seamus. Your recent development and examination of self have been remarkable. You are a very interesting person.

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Seamus O Brian 30 January 2017

Annette, you have developed such skill at capturing so vividly in unforgettable images the experience of the inner self. A privilege to read this caliber of writing. Thank you.

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