Thought Police Of Art Poem by Sheena Blackhall

Thought Police Of Art

Rating: 5.0

At the Shrine of the Prima Donna of the self
Top Dog is the worship of dollars
Here, Tracy Emin's the high priestess
Of the cult of me me me
Cup Cake Tracy,
Whose gaze of Narcissism
Has turned the heads of the critics

Reviling the credo of Banality,
The Rebirth of Venus
Showcases Barbie, platinum wigged
Modern Woman in embryo

Critics echo the praise of celebrity
Like empty vessels in the rarefied air of a gallery

In the Shrine of a Prima Donna
Hangs a tampon, stamped with a Union Jack
A dead sheep stares from a tank of formaldehyde

In one man's piercing vision
Of the Fake's Progress through 20th century Art
Are these works of worth or wallpaper?
The Emperor's New Clothes?
Discuss. Consider. Decide

Wednesday, February 15, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: art
Marie Francis 15 February 2017

A mass of contemplations that captures the view point of an observer.

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Tom Allport 15 February 2017

a well said poem about a different world in which we all inhabit, the only difference is in our world we are all skint?

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Paul Brookes 15 February 2017

Someone said art is what the artist decides I wonder this poem give full rein to views held by many that modern art is all smoke, mirrors and fakery with the new however odd or eccentric view by the sheep called critics as the next big thing this poem delves into this world but make only observations it is for the reader to decide I think I agree with your assessment. I sometime thinkpoetry is going down the same route onlty time will tell. Great piece thanks

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