This Country Belong Not To We Poem by ObiGod Chidi CC

This Country Belong Not To We

Tell it to the infact in her mother's breast;
Tell it to the pupils with blank slates;
Tell it to young men erring as their fathers
That this country belong not to we.

Let it sink in us like our mother's milk,
Let us bear it bold as our tribal mark
That this country belong not to we.
We are like Israel under northern Egypt
This pharaoh forget the works of our Josephs,
The insecure say they are born to rule.
Rule those more sly than them, in disarrayed.
Yet under fat marginalization we've strove better.

How long would we fool like free slaves?
How long will we develope their dark hills?
How long will we feast on treacheries?
O my people reject the rain of nairas,
Reject the betraying coin in a poisonous jar
Lest this our race is exterminated,
Lest we bow down to the uncircumcised,
Lest we lose the legacy of our dead warriors.

Set us free to worship in our holy Sinai
Our Moses' words fulfill like a plague
Before the downpour yet can be ceased.
After pogroms, the massacre in millions,
Why still sing the ugly song: 'We are one? '
That rosary of peace can't bell the cat.
Call them not brothers who slay you;
Call them not friends who disdains you;
Call them not neighbours who hunt you
Down as accursed kind in the numerous zoo.

Alas! This country belong not to we
Who have hoped, dreamed and prayed
For a better country that is a dark mirage.
But behind the lens of reformation and seccesion
There was a country we can call our own.
Forgive the wise Zik in his ignorance
Forgive the white master in black blunders,
Listen to the songs of our unrewarded heroes,
My father's song of the land of our hope,
The land that was tasted not digested in blood.
Forget not the people's general and his lions,
Forget not the half-yellow sun that rises,
Forget not this country belong not to we.


Sunday, May 1, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: country,patriotism,biafra
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