They Get To Love Life So Very Much Poem by Julia Luber

They Get To Love Life So Very Much

They get to love life so much. Like micrographics complete an image of what love is….
in fact. First logos without shame. Before the guilt of the Garden of Eden. And yet as
if that truly happened- if merely to stage a decoy from it ever being encountered for real.

You could only blame God to let people love life so much-especially through clear bland
naiveté of so many of life's sordid secrets. And There Are So Fuckin' Many of Them! So many
of them that you can start to understand Hate as much as Love. That you can start to under

stand that this is a terrifying place. Despite if it be engaged as a manometric cartoon or
tethered in setting up victims and then again- those who get to love life so much…
so very much. They get to love life so very much. And it makes me very gnarly with

irritation that it is precisely what these people who get to love life so much cornered me
into that has made me so cynical and disgusted with it. I know what it feels like to love life.
And truth to be told, it does have to do with a naive trance that is somehow never jeopardized

by the unforgivable secret churning through the earth's center. Fire hotter than Satan's blood.
And crueler than any image ever heated and cooked and thrown out into space to be more like a diadem or crown of this grand universe, so subtly confiscated by the materialism of

planets and astronomers' facts and mountains and their invisible leaping moons. Rolling out
over all of them like a red carpet unfolding the days into tomorrow. And those lucky blessed
creatures who get to love life so very much. They will continue to do so and never have to

pick up the pieces of how they cornered somebody so out of this happy blessed trance. And
they have tricks up the yin yang. And it's all executed to keep their lucky love for life entrusted to themselves. So don't be somebody with anything they're apt to steal. They steal.

They take your soul and mash it out to use synchronicity of the brain and its neural functions
to their favor. It's radically scientific. And whoosh-they have cultivated the next trick to keep them in that trance of getting to love life so very much. You don't remember what it

feels like, but you can see that that strong current has been stolen-gone forever: Ne'er more. So you have to figure out what they will never figure out and what they will never know.
To make sure that they don't ruin it all for you again, and yet they already have.

Saturday, August 31, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: life
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