The Wicked Reigns On Earth Poem by devon da poet

The Wicked Reigns On Earth

Your goodness is vein, your love is pain
Living in a world where the wicked reign.
The rich is wicked but are favoured.
The poor is humble but are ridiculed.
Both needs a saviour.
In a wicked world what’s care and patience?
Get rich or die trying I muse.
But the love of money is the evil thereof,
If only they practice what they preach.
The wicked thoughts in their minds are detrimental.
Just listen to their speech, you’ll know.
Away from the alter their life’s a disaster, you’ll woe.
Wicked preachers and pastors, wicked teachers; actors.
But they’re the respected ones,
The holy ones, the ones with the so called good names.
It’s a shame but we’ll elect them any day.
Wicked Prime Ministers, wicked Lawyers, wicked Judges, and wicked police.
When will they stop slay the innocents?
When will they learn to obey their transcripts?
Those with the pure heart are trapped under their manipulation.
Money means power so they have dominion.
Education they do have so their wiles are enormous.
They only pretend, they do not like us.
Though we’ll always overcome their evil endeavours,
On this earth the wicked reigns forever.

devon da poet

devon da poet

Sauteurs, Grenada
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