The Ruler Of All Living Beings! Poem by Ramesh T A

The Ruler Of All Living Beings!

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The Ruler of All Living Beings!

Sudden cloud formation and falling of dense rains cause crises;
Vehicles can't move through flood waters and people can; t go out;
But climate is heavenly to enjoy for elderly people and children on holidays;
Continuation of same climate seems to be ready by the way all go on!

It is seems it is better we should be prepared to live in any type of climate now;
Anytime heavy wind or rain or hot Sunshine could occur in any place;
If we are able to face that and bear, we can enjoy and survive well here;
The adventurous spirit of Nature is thrilling to experience certain times!

But damages to well grown crops that are ready for harvest are a heavy loss;
Farmers cry with unbearable grief and pull on the days to see another good season;
Like in business both profit and loss are common, in life too joy and sorrow are;
Balancing both the extremes only all can adjust and survive in this precarious world!

By drought, dry lakes, heavy wind and rain, we have to bear pain to enjoy pleasure
According to the sanction of seasons by Nature, the ruler of all living beings!

The Ruler Of All Living Beings!
Like in business both profit and loss are common, in life too joy and sorrow are; Balancing both the extremes only all can adjust and survive in this precarious world!
Ramesh T A 17 May 2024

By drought, dry lakes, heavy wind and rain, we have to bear pain to enjoy pleasure According to the sanction of seasons by Nature, the ruler of all living beings!

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Ramesh T A

Ramesh T A

Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India
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