The Psalm Of The Drummer Boy Poem by Falana Zion

The Psalm Of The Drummer Boy

Rating: 5.0

How far can I go?
With too many cargoes
My bird would be flightless
Without His indomitable air

I would be a plant
Wandering on a dry land
Struggling its lifetime to rise
Without His rain falling from the sky

My fear would have become an iceberg
Building its tower to the sky
My beards would have become a thick forest
Harbouring pain, distress and lack

My weakness would be the red sea
Hindering me from entering the promise land
Standing against my Israelite
Saying no to my freedom like the Egyptians

I'm an Israelite
Journeying to the promise land
Without Him on my side
I would have long ago fallen
Into the hands of the Amorites

Who am I to be His friend?
Who am I to be His peer?
Does my chicken knows the end of its eggs
Maybe they will surely end as someone's repast

It's not about Him walking by my side like a flesh
That disappears in time of fear
It is all about His presence dwelling in me like a God
That never leaves even when I fall

Friday, March 22, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: life
Falana Zion

Falana Zion

Ekiti State, Nigeria
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