The Pen Of The Poet Poem by Denis Martindale

The Pen Of The Poet

This heart that pounds excitedly becomes a tranquil sea,
Becalmed as soon as poetry begins inside of me!
When dreams and visions come to mind, unfettered, unrefined.
Then faithful phrases get combined so God can bless Mankind.
The artists did their noble best, and sculptors, too, impressed,
Yet how do poets pass the test? Words are their treasure chest.
The pen proves mightier than the sword if used in sweet accord,
And harmony grants its reward if favoured by the Lord.

The pen awaits more poems still, just as the ancient quill,
Through poems that may calm or thrill, as poems always will.
Begone all doubts and lack of faith, begone, for you can't save,
You lead the weak to misbehave when they ought to be brave.
Consider saints who prophesy like poets solemnly,
Or pen the psalms that would supply great wonders still to be.
In truth, the Saviour sang hymns, too, for that was how faith grew,
The poets wrote as poets do. For Him, for me, for you.

Although a poet may stay poor, he still writes all the more!
Expressing what our lives are for, the Saviour to adore!

Denis Martindale, for the 8th of May 2024.

The Pen Of The Poet
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