The Music That I Would Listen Poem by Mohammad Younus

The Music That I Would Listen

The music that I would listen,
In my mother's womb, or even before,
Sounds in my heart even to this day,
For a pretty long time but,
I attended the concerts of this world,
Where music is created...
By striking the strings of the musical instruments,
But my soul did not get as such,
The true ecstasy as I enjoyed in paradise,
The created music only created agony in my heart,
For having lost the celestial melodious music,
Then God opened my ears to the true music,
And I leaped up as I felt,
I am back in the paradise,
But, still I don't see the face of the singer,
Unless you assure me that it is me,
I live in the hope of seeing my true face,
But, that meeting may never take place,
In the exoteric sense of the word.


The Music That I Would Listen
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