The Gregorian Calendar Failure Poem by Robert Rittel

The Gregorian Calendar Failure

In 1582, Pope Gregory dismissed 10 days for festival convenience,  
and declared that every new day starts at midnight continuance.
To establish a mathematical 24 hour day reference,                    
and not a natural sunrise to sunrise preference.
A calendar from a corrupted murderer and oddities,
months are uneven for the year to fit the 12 Apostel novelties.    
This creates the situation that each year,                                       
dates fall on different days of the week very clear.                        
While the natural Moon has 28 days in a natural circumference,     
13 month a year adding up to 364 days a year appearance.           
The idea of an equal 24 hour's day is unnatural,                            
taking away the symbiotic light as essence eternal.
Societies of antiquity developed calendars by planetary alignment,
for the rituals of spiritual festivals and personal divine-ment.          
For now and since long you will be charged by midnight for the bill,
licensed institution taking against the natural will.                            
The right of titled vampires of state to drain and create exposure,
taking you further to a closer.
Charging for the day what is not there yet,
taking creditfrom the roulette of dept.                                               
The unatural clock in charge of the falty system for blinding,
comprehensive education making it an economic mind finding.        
In the profound intention of time by wicketness of criminal creed,
weigh the grains of sand with natural blessings, and be not a part of that feed.      

Friday, September 20, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: failure
Error Success