The Girl Who Stole My Heart Poem by Pavan Medheramitla

The Girl Who Stole My Heart

I never had said yes to any girl
Nor i had thought about any proposal
Love didn't had place in my dictionary
And my life was nothing but ordinary

I was told by someone that love is pain
No matter how strong ones feelings are
They said it's a curse to be a valentine
As it makes their life more and more bizarre

All these opinions got me into deep thinking
Draining my hope of finding that special one
Then came this day with a pleasant evening
That painted the clear sky with orange sun

The mild breeze tickled me with a fragrance
Drawing my little attention to the other side
There i saw someone coming from a distance
Whose silky hair is dancing to the air like a tide

The birds were singing beautiful melodies
And the trees were showering the flowers
Just like the way shown in romantic movies
I was excited to see her with crossed fingers

Her face was glowing bright like a moon light
Gosh how did i forgot to mention her smile
Which gave me belief about love at first sight
I loved the moment being there and it's worthwhile

She then slowly disappeared in the mist
My soul had chosen her as it's counterpart
Love is magical and for me it's very swift
Meet my girl, who has stolen my heart

Wednesday, December 23, 2015
Topic(s) of this poem: girl,heart,love
Uma Ram 16 March 2016

Beautiful piece sir...loved reading it. Really enjoyed every word... the aversion towards love overcome by the femininity...beautifully expressed. Thanks for sharing sir.

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Alisha Castle 23 December 2015

Such a lovely poetry!

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Nosheen Irfan 23 December 2015

Beautiful, deep expression of love. Sometimes beauty and joy disappear too soon but stay in heart forever.

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Pavan Medheramitla 23 December 2015

Thank you Nosheen Irfan

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