The Asked Man Poem by Clive Culverhouse

The Asked Man

Rating: 5.0

placing a pen upon the desk
aligned with paper
grooves of wood and knots in stain
as if absorbed in thought and mind
they seep from below
as if the stars there influence a blueprint
of aeroplanes
of vision
or easel's frames direct the brush
that strokes
pushing colour
pushing shade
and crystal imperfections
guiding a cutters tool
of life and all it throws
I remain the asked man

The Asked Man
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: anxiety,decision,depression,doubt,fear,life,me,self,worry

The Asked Man
poetry by Clive Culverhouse
a poem, inside

Clive Culverhouse 05 July 2020

On Write Out Loud this is a complex poem " I have not grasped 'the asked man', I'd really like to understand the inference." My reply: a metaphor for life " asking" what/why- in the poem the desk asks what are you going to write, the easel asks the painter what are you going to paint etc. I remain the asked man to everything I am asked by life/myself/inner voices etc. It is a soliloquy of self doubt and introspection.

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Clive Culverhouse 08 July 2020

the conversation above regarding the understanding of The Asked Man at Write Out Loud resolved with: " Thanks, Clive.. It was my shortfall; the idea is brilliant."

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Clive Culverhouse 05 July 2020

I put this poem on Write Out Loud here's a comment " Very interesting. It is a provoking idea."

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Clive Culverhouse 18 May 2020

" the asked man" concept for the title of the whole collection of my poems has gone down very well on social media - big Twitter response in retweets and likes

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Andy* 25 August 2019

A very deep and thoughtful poem beautifully composed it hit a nerve we all I think feel like this sometimes and then the Muse transports us

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Clive Culverhouse 25 August 2019

Thanks for commenting on my poem The Asked Man, much appreciated., .

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