Talking Me Into Sense Poem by MD MOZAFFOR HOSSAIN

Talking Me Into Sense

Talking Me into Sense

Think yourself as an old man
Which you will naturally be
If you are kept alive by the One who has created you
And what happens when you are old?

All your loved ones for whom you are sick now
Will simply be having their own lives
You will hanker for meeting anyone of them
But they will be feeling for their loved ones

You will be spare.

Won't you have to live then?
Won't you have to survive?
What will you do in your aged loneliness?
Will you commit suicide or cry your heart out?

Nope, you cannot do that
For the life you have been having is not yours
You have been only entitled to it
You have been simply gifted with this

Therefore, you cannot do or undo your life.

You have to go on as long as you are made to do so
And you have to do it happily.

Now that you have much energy left
Still, you can make friends
Yet you have sources to be optimistic
Possibly you will meet your loved ones

You will be allowed to serve them
And thus, you will have your soul assuaged.

As such, live a life, do the jobs
Regard yourself spare
Nevertheless, if you are rewarded with love
You are fortunate among the humans.

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