Sweet To Sour Poem by Cecilia Skopec

Sweet To Sour

Rating: 5.0

Strike the rocks loud and hard.
Fireflies erupt from the collision.
Gather sticks for the usual tribute.
Flicker, here. Flicker, there.
God's breathe blows in hope of help.
Woosh! A flame has arisen!
Grab wood, to feed it's hungry mouth.
Flashing bright colors to show it's life.
Lie down to bask in it's heat.
Listen to the crackle, for it is telling stories.
Close eyes with ease, for once content.
Last thing to see is the mischievous smile,
before diving into the darkness of sleep.
Wake up to a loud crash of wood.
Warmer then normal, you open your eyes.
That tiny flame claimes all the trees.
Escape through the small dark area ahead.
Run and climb to the very top in a rush.
Overlook the monster you designed.
A stab of guilt pains your soul through the smoke.
Griping hard with it's torturous claws.
Sedating you with the poisonous vemon,
infecting you forever, never letting you forget.


Wow! Wow! Wow! I love the title! Because not that I had a sweet taste in my mouth when I started reading this, but I definitely have a sour taste now. Your imagery is just phenominal! And that makes it such a joy to read! I'm not sure that there's one line that jumps out at me in this one...there's four.: D ''A stab of guilt pains your soul through the smoke. /Griping hard with it's torturous claws. /Sedating you with the poisonous vemon, /infecting you forever, never letting you forget.'' Especially the last part! That's such a great way to end it! This is probably my favorite of your poems! I absolutely loved it!

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