Stone Cold Hearts Poem by Erl Mbeha

Stone Cold Hearts

Rating: 5.0

We grew up with stone cold hearts
In the dark alleys, away from shine
Learning all the selfish ways
Vocabulary filled with I, me, mine
Wasting away all our precious days
On vanity and folly.
We were afraid of fires and bonds
And we ridiculed anything holly.
Look at us now, nothing but bones.

A life spent foolishly
A life without either of the Devine fires
Love, Trust, Peace, Harmony, Kindness and
Genuine Laughter
They all slipped past us like the whistling wind.
We didn't want them, we had other motives
But tell me, what did we live for?
What is really worth living for?

Life is like a day
Dawn comes shimmering from the darkness
Leaving behind all the uncanny nocturnal life
And bringing us the familiar sound of Sylvia borin.
Morning passes and noon comes and…goes
Dusk arrives and paints the celestial canvas black.
Eventually the blackness solidifies…end of day.
It has ended and you can never get it back.

Monday, October 22, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: heart,past
Zinger Wingz 05 November 2018

what is lifes worth? ? ? this was really beautiful... i love it

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Dr Antony Theodore 23 October 2018

existential questions which affect us psychologically. try to fill knowingly with positive thoughts . go to little children who laugh, smile and play so innocently...... try to help some one who is very poor..... you will really get the happines that you need. then you will see white clouds and in silver lines of joy even in darkness.. thank u dear poet. tony

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Dr Antony Theodore 23 October 2018

A life without either of the Devine fires Love, Trust, Peace, Harmony, Kindness and Genuine Laughter..... what do i really live for........

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