Please Soar With Me................... Poem by Bradley Lester

Please Soar With Me...................

Please soar above the skies with me, together we will fly
I'll hold you tight, you will not fall, the world will pass us by
We would be free from grief and pain, both free at last we will
Please fly with me today I ask, I really wish you will

Our destiny would lead the way, we'd focus on each other
We'd feel our way through thick and thin, I would not want no other
The rain will beat us as we fly, the wind will burn our eyes
That would not matter, we would be, together in the skies

So fly with me our past behind, our future in our hands
Not knowing where or what to do, the way it is now stands
I think we'd be ok you know, I have that peaceful feeling
Of you and I, alone at last, we can begin our healing

Stephen Stirk 30 April 2009

A wonderful and 'uplifting' love poem that lifts the wings. Most enjoyable read. I also like the perfect rythmn rhyme and balance. It is esy to read it as you have intended. Steve

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Bradley Lester

Bradley Lester

Western Cape, Cape Town
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