Paying Tribute To The Tyrant Within Oneself. Poem by Dr. Antony Theodore

Paying Tribute To The Tyrant Within Oneself.

Rating: 4.5

For the man to be free,
he must be delivered from himself.

The tyranny of man over man
is but the external expression
of each man's enslavement
to his own desires.

For he who is the slave
of his own desires
necessarily exploits others,
in order to pay tribute
to the tyrant within himself.

Before there can be any
external freedom,
man must learn to find the way
to freedom within himself

Thursday, August 30, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: man,tyranny,deliverance
Kostas Lagos 30 August 2018

I wish I could rate this one with more than 10! Masterpiece

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Glen Kappy 03 September 2018

amen! tony. we must come to observe this as something in ourselves but not ourselves per se. this reminds me of the gandhi quote, we must be the change we want to see in the world. -glen

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Akhtar Jawad 01 September 2018

Before there can be any external freedom, man must learn to find the way to freedom within himself.......external freedom is a reflection of internal freedom. A thoughtful poem.

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Dr Antony Theodore 02 September 2018

My dear Akhtar, thank you very much..

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Nosheen Irfan 01 September 2018

Full of wisdom. Kudos! A big 10.

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Dr Antony Theodore 02 September 2018

Thank you dear Nosheen

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Akham Nilabirdhwaja Singh 31 August 2018

A philosophical poem with a nice thought content.10

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Dr Antony Theodore 02 September 2018

thank you my dear poet. thank u. tony

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Kumarmani Mahakul 30 August 2018

Before there can be any external freedom, a man should realize internal freedom awakening self. Spiritual realization only brings such freedom from inside. A great and deeply philosophical poem is excellently penned.10

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Dr Antony Theodore 31 August 2018

Dear and beloved Poet...... how can you thank u enough for all your wonderful comments.. tony

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