O Jesus Poem by Russel Choudhury

O Jesus

Rating: 5.0

O Jesus, peace be upon him, the one who was the Word of God…
O Jesus, peace be upon him, who came and was always in the Thoughts of God…
O Jesus, peace be upon him, he who was born of the Virgin Mary…
O Jesus, peace be upon him, and peace be upon his mother Mary…
O Jesus, peace be upon him, the one who the Holy Spirit of God was given…
O Jesus, peace be upon him, the one who in the name of God, casted out demons…
O Jesus, peace be upon him, the one they said slanderous things about…
O Jesus, peace be upon him, the one they tried to blot out…
O Jesus, peace be upon him, who came and was sinless…
O Jesus, peace be upon him, who came to the temple and became relentless…
O Jesus, peace be upon him, who came to the Israelites to teach them the Gospel…
O Jesus, peace be upon him, who came and did things that were impossible…
O Jesus, peace be upon him, he who is the Prophet and Christ…
O Jesus, peace be upon him, he who the Scriptures prophesised…
O Jesus, peace be upon him, he who Almighty God raised up…
O Jesus, peace be upon him, he who Almighty God will send back and amaze us.

Anjali Sinha 10 November 2008

wow such a beautiful poem dedicated to Jesus Christ i loved it really. Great write Russel and keep writing +++++10 regards anju

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