Natural Justice Prevails To Bring A New Way Into Play! Poem by Ramesh T A

Natural Justice Prevails To Bring A New Way Into Play!

For everything, if the beginning is good, end will also be good;
Whatever be the beginning, if one aims for good end, also, it's
Possible to see some chance sure to achieve that goal in life;
For, who can deny to see good benefits reaching to all at last?

That fortunate bend of mind will inspire for aiming good always;
There on, both the beginning and the end all want only well;
That is how improvements in life of man has come in for good
Things to appear in the world for the benefit of present and ever!

Despite harsh weather like long drought or severe storm or
Heaviest rain by bad climate change, Nature, to balance bad scene
Of environment, offers heavy dose of medicine to cure disease
To normalize situation for the better for regular things to go on!

Whatever be the desire, dream and wish of man, a thing called
Natural justice only can turn all for good though not known before!

Wednesday, April 22, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: nature
Ramesh T A

Ramesh T A

Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India
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